NEW YEAR’S 007 PARTY! Tuesday December 31st

See in the New Year in style at On Tap’s New Year “007” Party! Yes, it’s a license to party with a FREE DRINK going to everyone who comes in Bond Dress! For the lads it could be a Connery-style tuxedo or a Moore-style Safari jacket, for the ladies it’s the chance to slip on an elegant ball gown or even an Ursula Andress-style bikini!

We’ll be open long past midnight and are offing classic Bond drinks, Vodka Martini, Vodka Tonic and Gin & Tonic, for $100 all night! It’s just a 2 minute walk to see the fireworks at midnight, or you can stay and watch it on the big screens .

Entrance: $500NT minimum charge. To be paid on the door and redeemed with $500NT Food & Drink vouchers.

Reservations: $500NT minimum charge per person per 2 hours

E-mail: or phone: (02)2741-5365 (after 5pm)

2013到On Tap開個有型的007跨年時尚趴吧!只要你穿著打扮像龐德系列電影裡人物將可享用店內招待免費飲料!
史恩康納萊紳士般的無尾禮服或羅傑摩爾野性的獵裝夾克, 是男士們不錯的選擇. 龐德女郎們經典的高雅晚禮服

或甚至是烏蘇拉.安德絲吸晴的性感比基尼泳裝, 保證全場驚艷!

跨年當天將提供一系列經典龐德飲料優惠:伏特加馬丁尼, 伏特加通寧, 琴酒通寧…只要$100

101煙火秀近在咫尺, 也可在店內和好友們一起欣賞大螢幕轉播各地跨年的實況.

當天入場: 低消$500/人. (入口處售票, 可全抵店內消費)

事先訂位: 低消$500/人. (使用時間2小時)

訂位專線: e-mail: 或致電: (02)2741-5365 (下午5點後)

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