PUB QUIZ! – Sunday 31st August 6pm

Summer vacation is nearly over and your grey matter needs a little wake up call, so just for you we’ve put together a Pub Quiz, which will not only help you get back on track for work next month but also help out our furry friends.

Date : Sunday 31st August
Time : 6pm to 9pm

6 people per team (Maximum) $900nt entrance fee per team.

4 rounds of 10 questions – TV / History / Music / Sport
Plus a bonus round – clue – make sure you know Animals Taiwan’s animals 😉

Phones are not allowed during question times. There will be a basket for you to put your phones in during the question times and anyone caught using a phone will have to do a forfeit of buying a round for the table next to them.

1st Prize…A barrel of beer! (50 pints)
2nd Prize…A case of 24 beers
3rd Prize…Bottle of wine or spirits of choice

There will also be a raffle of amazing prizes NT$100 per ticket or 6 for NT$500

All proceeds from the pub quiz will be donated to 台灣動物協會 Animals Taiwan

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